Welcome! We are glad you are visiting our website. Whether you are seeking a place of worship or just visiting, we welcome you to join us in worshipping God with us.
As you visit us, we pray that you will be blessed by the preaching of the Word of God, the singing of Psalms together, and fellowship with one another. Let us know that you will be visiting and we can connect you with a host family for a meal after worship.
As you explore our site you will encounter many words. You will encounter written words, meditations, explanations of our beliefs and more. You will encounter spoken words, in the form of sermons and topics and other recordings. We pray that you will be blessed by what you find here.
Our words have limited power. But we rejoice that God has spoken! And His word is glorious, powerful, and creative.
- By God’s words came our universe into being (Gen 1; Ps. 33:6; Ps 148:5).
- By God’s Word you and I can be transformed (Ps. 19:7-13; 2 Cor. 3:18, 4:6).
- By God’s Word we can get to know God, through His Son Jesus Christ, who is the living Word (Jn 1:1-3; Heb 1:1-3).
It is our earnest desire that as you browse our website, that you would not just encounter words or information, but that you actually encounter Jesus, the living Word. He still speaks, because He is pleased to use saved sinners to speak and echo His Word!One word, blessed by His Holy Spirit, has the power to make sinners into saints!
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